Dr. Mark Q. Sutton – Ph.D. Anthropology (Statistical Research, Inc. partnership with MESA)
- Over 39 years of extensive and varied professional experience as an archaeologist including private and public sector entities.
- Dr. Sutton has worked at more than 150 sites in western North America, has presented some 126 papers at professional meetings, and has published more than 190 books, monographs, articles, and reviews on archaeology and anthropology, including the textbooks Introduction to Native North America, A Prehistory of North America, Archaeology: Science of the Human Past, Introduction to Cultural Ecology, Paleonutrition, and Laboratory Methods in Archaeology.
- Has worked extensively in the San Joaquin Valley and surrounding mountains. Also has considerable experience in the Mojave and Colorado deserts of California and Arizona; southern, central, and northern California; western Nevada; and northern Arizona.
- Has participated in more than 130 excavation projects, 75 as director, and has conducted more than 500 surveys.
- Has worked as a Department of Defense (DoD) archaeologist (Edwards Air Force Base) and on DoD projects (e.g., Fort Irwin, China Lake, 29 Palms) at various times.
- Acted as Principal Investigator for Antelope Valley Solar Ranch One testing and evaluation, Lancaster, California, 2010; Archaeological testing, evaluation, and data recovery of CA-SBR-12569/H, Cajon Pass, California, for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad, 2008; California Aqueduct Siphon project testing, evaluation, and data recovery, Summit Valley, California, for the Department of Water Resources, 1996.
- Acted as Director, Kramer-Victor 220 kV Transmission Line Project (archaeological survey and testing), Kern and San Bernardino Counties, for Southern California Edison, 1990.