Bakersfield’s leader in biological and environmental services

MESA operates where conservation merges with compliance and ecology hybridizes with industry.

MESA Biological, LLC is an established and emerging professional consultancy recognized by industry and regulators as providing reliable, practical, and integrative solutions. MESA’s leadership team are recognized as expert consultants and are currently appointed by agency regulators as Designated Biologists, carrying out complex compliance initiatives with large public and private sector entities.

CaliforniaCondorTRC2MESA hybridizes and blends compliance and conservation, ecology and business, and science with progress. Although headquartered in the San Joaquin Valley of California, our services span much of the state, from desert to ocean and nearly all ecosystems contained within. Our extensive experiences find us engaged with business partners in oil and gas exploration and pipeline; alternative energy including solar-photovoltaic and wind generated; utility and energy transmission; and commercial, industrial, residential, and retail development in urban and natural settings.

MESA conducts species inventory and assesses biological resources, analyzes potential impacts, addresses compliance, and expedites client projects through regulatory channels. We perform reconnaissance-level surveys, technical studies and protocol-level searches, and complete Biota and Biological Assessment preparation. MESA produces technical documents in compliance with CEQA, CESA, FESA, with some utilized for permit application including incidental take (Section 2081b-c), biological opinion (Section 7 consultation), wetland delineation and jurisdictional determination, and lake or streambed alteration notification, among others.

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