MESA is a professional consultancy operating in Central California and providing services to clients throughout California. While we are grounded in desert settings, our operations span many of the ecosystems and endemic species throughout Central, South, Coastal and Desert ranges.
We arrive at this point today, from humble beginnings, having started as a single-person shop and some 10 years later now have 32 full-time, part-time and seasonal employees. Our greatest asset is our people. In addition to our internal staff, MESA engages and develops relationships with other business partners and consultants to ensure our clients’ diverse needs are met throughout their operating areas.
MESA produces technical documents with utility ranging from EIR, EIS, and EA; application for Incidental Take and Biological Opinion; streambed alteration agreements; and wetlands delineation. We produce technical documents in compliance with CEQA, CESA, and FESA. Services range from biological constraints analysis (reconnaissance); technical studies and protocol searches; implementation of avoidance measures; and site, project, and activity compliance monitoring.
Our focused and protocol-level animal and floristic surveys include blunt-nosed leopard lizard, Nelson’s antelope squirrel, San Joaquin kit fox, burrowing owl, red-legged frog, raptor and other avian species, small mammals including Tipton kangaroo rat and conspecifics, desert tortoise, San Joaquin wooly-threads, Kern mallow, and many others.